On the occasion of its Rhodimet®AT 88 production plant start-up in Nanjing, China, Adisseo is publishing Methiopedia - The Methionine Reference Book, intended for nutritionists, purchasers, formulators and technical managers within the premix and feed industries, as well as students, who want to enhance their knowledge of methionine and its use.
“Being one of the first companies to have synthesized powder methionine in the 40’s, we considered that it could be of great interest to collect all the scientific information that Adisseo has gathered in research studies, trials and customer experience” says Pierre Casamatta, Adisseo Global Business Director Methionine & Sulphur Products. “Adisseo experts have compiled information on methionine from around the world, including the latest developments, from fundamental research to in-vivo trials performed both in independent experimental facilities and on commercial farms” he explains.
The book offers a complete description of the three forms of methionine – L-methionine (L-Met), D,L-methionine (D,L-Met) and D,L-methionine hydroxy (D,L-HMTBA) – with their characteristics and properties. General chemical processes, metabolism and utilization of each form are detailed in the book and Methiopedia gives precise data on hydrolysis, absorption, and intestinal transport of these different sources.
“Methiopedia includes research highlights on digestion and metabolism. Statistical models for dose-response are discussed” emphasizes Professor R.A. Swick, from the University of New England, Australia.
Methionine exhibits additional functions in animals beyond protein synthesis. These functions have been studied by a number of research teams, including Mrs Rachel Martin-Venegas, University of Barcelona, Spain and J. Buyse, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, and are also explained in Methiopedia: cellular-signaling function, protein expression, acidification, antioxidant potential.
Besides physiological data, Methiopedia also provides a review of important animal performances (feed conversion, body weight gain…) with practical diets including D,L-Methionine or D,L-HMTBA, especially for broilers. These recent data have been compiled from trials on animals conducted at different institutes across the world, such as BARC, (Bangkok Research Center), Thailand; The China Agricultural University, Beijing, China; IRTA, Spain; INRA, France, as well as Adisseo’s facilities (CERN - Center of Expertise and Research in Nutrition - Commentry, France). “These trials and their meta–analysis show new evidence of the biological equivalency of both forms” says Pierre Dalibard, Global Technical Manager Adisseo.
Furthermore, the technical aspects of incorporating D,L-Met or D,L-HMTBA in feeds are developed by Adisseo experts in Methiopedia. They detail the different parameters involved in dosing and mixing accuracy, up to recovery tests, to ensure that the required level of methionine is reached in feed for both powder and liquid forms.
Many technical results of recent trials carried out by Adisseo are provided in the book’s appendix, which also contains a selection of relevant abstracts or articles on methionine presented at the latest Adisseo Advancia Seminars. Every year since 2007 these meetings gather worldwide scientists and nutritionists to share research progress on sulphur amino acids. The most recent one was held on August 25th, 2013 in Potsdam, Germany and drew 90 participants from all over the world.
For more information: https://sites.google.com/a/adisseo.org/brands/rhodimet-methionine
Adisseo customers can get a copy of this book by contacting their local sales representative.
Methiopedia is also available for sale on line (price: 39 Euros), by following the above link.
Pierre Casamatta Adisseo Global Business Director Methionine & Sulphur Products
About Adisseo Group
Adisseo Group is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of nutritional solutions for animals. It designs, manufactures and markets four families of animal feed additives: Rhodimet®, an essential amino acid for monogastric animals (poultry, etc.); Metasmart® and Smartamine®, a unique methionine range for ruminants; Rovabio®, a multi-enzyme speciality which improves the digestibility of raw materials and Microvit®, a complete range of vitamins.
Adisseo strengthened its expertise in the field of food ingredients formulation, research and development and industrialization since the acquisition of Innov'ia, a European leader in the design and contract processing of powered and granulated ingredients for the food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals industries.
Worldwide, Adisseo employs over 1,700 people, has 5 research and development divisions and 7 production facilities in France, Spain and China. Through its global distribution network, it serves more than 2,500 clients in more than one hundred countries. In 2012, the Group's turnover exceeded €1.1 billion (US$1.4 billion).
Adisseo Group is one of the main subsidiaries of China National BlueStar, a key player in the chemical industry in China with 30,478 members of staff and a turnover of €6.9 billion.