Multinational feed additives producer Nutriad, participated for the thirteenth time in the World Dairy Expo earlier this month. An industry leader for decades, Nutriad was a proud Two Star sponsor of the event. The popular conference welcomed eighty- five thousand dairy farmers and professionals. During the five-day exhibition Nutriad fully engaged with industry contacts, highlighted new and existing products and specifically promoted its range of dairy specific solutions.
A global leader in feed additives solutions for livestock and aquaculture, NUTRIAD has once more strengthened its commercial team in the USA by adding commercial talent to its organization. The company is increasing its focus on dairy producers and seeks to grow its market share across feed producers and integrators for livestock species.
The latest Cobb Champion award for broiler performance has gone to Chicken Kingdom company, located in Lipetsk, Russia, and part of Cherkizovo Group. The awards were introduced last year to recognise annual world-class performance at breeder, broiler and hatchery level in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
U.S.-based POET, the largest biofuels producer in the world has signed a partnership agreement with U.S.-based Al Dahra ACX, a subsidiary of Al Dahra Holding and a leader in the animal feed business for the marketing and distribution of “Dakota Gold”, the premium DDGS product (a corn based feed ingredient) produced by POET.
- Agricool Group is now an authorized distributor for Roxell in Oman.
- Al Barakah Distribution is officially a partner of Agricool Group in Oman.
- Agricool Group just installed and successfully tested a 6000 bph Slaughter House in Sudan.
- Agricool Group will exhibit during Agrena 2017 in Cairo, Egypt.
Neovia announced the launch of a new project, called the "Farm of the Future", in July 2016.
This project, which will be implemented before 2020, is both an innovative and social project. The objective is to meet the challenge of feeding the world and innovate with stakeholders to develop a new sustainable way of livestock farming for the future together. This project is also intended to be collaborative and aims to involve innovators, livestock farmers, and consumers in developing a world network of Farms of the Future. To accelerate its implementation, Neovia is launching today a call for solutions to identify technological, academic, and strategic partners.
Dr Aldo Rossi, who has 25 years of poultry experience including 17 years with Cobb-Vantress, Inc., has been appointed vice president of research and development for the company.
More than 40 trainees took part in the first scientific workshop organized jointly by the Al Watania Poultry Institute of Technology (WIT) and Cobb-Vantress for the Saudi poultry industry.
Multinational feed additives producer Nutriad announces the appointment of Mr Roman Krikovtsov as Key Account Manager for the Russian market. With roughly 26 million tonnes of feed produced annually, Russia is a strategically important market for Nutriad and the company seeks to increase its’ footprint through increased interaction with local producers.
Some of you may already be aware of the big change that Invesa – as well as the other brands that formerly were part of aniMedica Group – has been through.
Multinational feed additive producer Nutriad announced the appointment of Dr Wei Wang as Technical Manager for China. As part of an ongoing strategy to increase its presence in this dynamic market, Nutriad continues to invest in building technical and commercial support teams in China, allowing them to further improve their constant engagement and support to customers.
After 20 years of working with Pancosma as Sales Manager and regional Sales Director, Marcos Teixido is now appointed Global Sales Director.
For the fourth consecutive year, multinational feed additives producer Nutriad, hosted a well-attended technical symposium in Brazil, where current trends and future challenges in animal protein production were discussed.
Multinational aqua additives specialist Nutriad participated in the yearly aquaculture seminar organized by its Vietnamese distribution partner Tan Sao. This year’s seminar was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The event addressed challenges for farmers on health and nutrition, providing them practical solutions with a proven track record across the region.
Read more: NUTRIAD participates in Aquaculture Seminar Malaysia
Aviagen and Willmar Poultry are pleased to announce the establishment of Select Genetics. This new company will supply commercial genetics to the turkey industry. Aviagen is the majority owner of Select Genetics, which was formed through the merger of Valley of the Moon Commercial Poults (VOMCP) and Willmar Poultry/Ag Forte.
Read more: New Supplier Established for Commercial Poults and Turkey Eggs
Merck Animal Health (known as MSD Animal Health outside the US and Canada) is proud to announce the introduction of the High Quality Poultry Science Award supporting research in poultry health, production and welfare by tomorrow’s industry leaders. Starting this year, Merck Animal Health will award three masters or doctoral students who recently received degrees in veterinary or animal science with an emphasis on poultry, the unique opportunity to present their research to industry specialists.
Read more: Merck Animal Health Supports Tomorrow’s Poultry Leaders with New Poultry Science Award
تم وضع رسوم في العراق على اجازات استيراد بيض المائدة حماية للإنتاج المحلي وتشجيعا لتوسيع مشاريع بيض المائدة وصولا للإكتفاء الذاتي.
وفي مكالمة خاصة مع السيد وزير الزراعة تم التطرّق لموضوع التعويض لمتضرري إنفلونزا الطيور وارتفاع أسعار الأفراخ, ودعم القطاع والحدود مع كردستان, كما تم التطرّق لدعم القطاع عن طريق أسعار الصويا المدعومة فكان قرار السيد الوزير بتحديد سعر جديد للصويا وهو 460 ألف دينار بدلا من 515 ألف.
تقلدت دكتورة مني محرز العديد من المناصب الهامة قبل توليها منصب نائب وزير الزراعة وكان لمجهودتها المتميزة في مجال عملها ونشاطها وخبراتها الواسعة بالجهات المحلية والهيئاتتت الأجنبية ذات الصلة لتوثيق التعاون بينها لما فيه الخير لبلدها مصر الأثر الفعال في اختيارها لهذا المنصب الهام للعاملين في مجال الانتاج الحيواني
تنطلق فعاليات معرض دواجن السودان الد ورة التاسعة في الفترة من 22 – 25 فبراير 2017 بمعرض الخرطوم الدولي بالصالات ( 1-2-3-4-5-6 ) وبمساحة اكثر من 18000 متر مربع والذي تنظمه شركة اكسبو تيم للخدمات، تحت إشراف وزارة الثروة الحيوانية و وزارة التجارة . وبرعاية ماسية من شركة كورال المحدودة. يشهد المعرض في دورته الحالية تطوراً ملحوظاً من حيث عدد المشاركين تحت شعار (إنتاج من أجل التصدير).
Read more: 2017معرض دواجن السودان الد ورة التاسعة من 22 – 25 فبراير
Novus 25th anniversary celebration held on Tuesday, Nov 15th in Hannover attracted animal feed industry professionals from about 25 countries. Gordon Crichton, Director of the MAI Innovation & International purchasing at Kedge Business School, was presenting on “capturing innovation in a purchaser-buyer relationship”.
قامت شركة "دوكسال" الإيطالية الدولية بتنظيم ندوة ضخمة في كوالالمبور (في ماليزيا)، داعيةً إليها أكثر من 50 مزارعٍ وعميل من الشرق الأوسط ومنطقة الخليج العربي وبلدان شمال إفرقيا. وكان العراق، وسوريا، والأردن، ومصر البلاد الأكثر تمثيلاً من بين الحاضرين.
أقيم الحدث في منتجعٍ راقٍ على ضفاف بحيرة كوالالمبور من 26 ولغاية 27 أيلول/ سبتمبر 2016.
The Italian and the global dairy sector are going through a complex and difficult period characterized by historical challenges. However, along with the challenges, for those who have the ability to seize them, there are also great opportunities.
Read more: Hansen's Seminar: Today's Cheese the the cheese of the future.
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