تم وضع رسوم  في العراق على اجازات استيراد بيض المائدة حماية للإنتاج المحلي وتشجيعا لتوسيع مشاريع بيض المائدة وصولا للإكتفاء الذاتي.

وفي مكالمة خاصة مع السيد وزير الزراعة تم التطرّق لموضوع التعويض لمتضرري إنفلونزا الطيور وارتفاع أسعار الأفراخ, ودعم القطاع والحدود مع كردستان, كما تم التطرّق لدعم القطاع عن طريق أسعار الصويا المدعومة فكان قرار السيد الوزير بتحديد سعر جديد للصويا وهو 460 ألف دينار بدلا من 515 ألف.

تقلدت دكتورة مني محرز العديد من المناصب الهامة قبل توليها منصب نائب وزير الزراعة وكان لمجهودتها المتميزة في مجال عملها ونشاطها وخبراتها الواسعة بالجهات المحلية والهيئاتتت الأجنبية ذات الصلة لتوثيق التعاون بينها لما فيه الخير لبلدها مصر الأثر الفعال في اختيارها لهذا المنصب الهام للعاملين في مجال الانتاج الحيواني 

تنطلق فعاليات معرض دواجن السودان الد ورة التاسعة في الفترة من 22 – 25 فبراير 2017 بمعرض الخرطوم الدولي بالصالات ( 1-2-3-4-5-6 ) وبمساحة اكثر من 18000 متر مربع والذي تنظمه شركة اكسبو تيم للخدمات، تحت إشراف وزارة الثروة الحيوانية و وزارة التجارة . وبرعاية ماسية من شركة كورال المحدودة. يشهد المعرض في دورته الحالية تطوراً ملحوظاً من حيث عدد المشاركين تحت شعار (إنتاج من أجل التصدير).


Novus 25th anniversary celebration held on Tuesday, Nov 15th in Hannover attracted animal feed industry professionals from about 25 countries. Gordon Crichton, Director of the MAI Innovation & International purchasing at Kedge Business School, was presenting on “capturing innovation in a purchaser-buyer relationship”. 

قامت شركة "دوكسال" الإيطالية الدولية بتنظيم ندوة ضخمة في كوالالمبور (في ماليزيا)، داعيةً إليها أكثر من 50 مزارعٍ وعميل من الشرق الأوسط ومنطقة الخليج العربي وبلدان شمال إفرقيا. وكان العراق، وسوريا، والأردن، ومصر البلاد الأكثر تمثيلاً من بين الحاضرين.

أقيم الحدث في منتجعٍ راقٍ على ضفاف بحيرة كوالالمبور من 26 ولغاية 27 أيلول/ سبتمبر 2016.

In this issue, 



The Italian and the global dairy sector are going through a complex and difficult period characterized by historical challenges. However, along with the challenges, for those who have the ability to seize them, there are also great opportunities.

The product Alterion is based on beneficial bacteria that improve feed utilization and provide a natural alternative to antibiotic growth promoters on poultry farms.

The 2016 APA convention (Asia Pacific Aquaculture) took place in Surabaya from 26th till 29th of April, and surely was the major aquaculture exhibition in South East Asia this year, attracting close to 5,000 participants. The massive presence of Indonesian aquaculturists, including farmers, governmental staff and researchers proved the importance of the aquaculture community in Indonesia. Indonesian aquaculture grew nearly 20% in the last 5 years in hectares in production and over 50% per year in volume produced over the last 10 years.

From May 9th – 13th multinational feed additives producer Nutriad hosted its Global Sales Conference in Rome (Italy). Commercial and technical staff from all over the world joined an interesting line up of speakers and trainers to exchange experiences and learn new insights on providing solutions for animal health and nutrition.

Nutriad, multinational feed additives manufacturer, continues to invest in aquaculture as it announced the expansion of its regional aqua teams with the appointments of Mr.Tkangairulappan Gnanamani (Chennai, India) as Aquaculture Manager South Asia and Mr. Bruno Urach (Pernambuco, Brazil) as Sales Manager North East Brazil

Joel Sappenfield, who has more than 25 years of experience in poultry and prepared foods with Tyson Foods, Inc., will become the next president of Cobb-Vantress, the world’s longest established poultry breeding company.

Multinational feed additive producer Nutriad appointed Eric Han and Hans Bai as Area Managers for the Northern and Central Region. As the company aims to further grow its market share in China, the best talents are invited to be part of the expansion of the Nutriad China team.

2016 marks 60 years of success for the Ross® brand in the global poultry industry. Since Chunky Chicks Limited opened their doors in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1956 and expanded to become a part of Ross Group Poultry Division in 1962, the poultry industry has seen a lot of changes, but one constant has been the steady growth of Ross to become the industry leader in the broiler breeder market.  

On March 30th Nutriad organized its third annual Technical Symposium in Florianopolis (SC, Brazil). At the event Nutriad experts and external speakers introduced new insights and novel solutions for gut health, feed intake and mycotoxin control. Hosting more than 50 professionals from all over Brazil - including veterinarians; nutritionists, plant managers and farmers – for three days the symposium once more proved an excellent opportunity for industry leaders to learn from experts and from each other.

Campylobacteriosis is among the most common bacterial infections in humans: in the EU alone, the number of cases per year is estimated to be around 9 million. Knowing that the disease is often linked to the consumption of contaminated poultry meat, it is significant that in a recent EU baseline survey, the average prevalence of Campylobacter in broilers and on carcasses was found to be 71% and 76%, respectively.

The UK farm and hatchery facilities which export Cobb broiler breeding stock globally have been granted ‘GB enhanced compartment’ status — the most stringent requirements for any such operation.  

Europe headquartered Nutriad, producer of feed additives, recently launched a Portuguese; Chinese and Spanish version of its corporate website.

Pericoli Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Alberto Grandoni as CEO of Pericoli Asia Pacific from January 2016. Alberto, 48, graduated in Electronic Engineering at the University of Genoa and he has a deep knowledge in the field of sales and business development. He gained his experience during his long stay in Asian countries since 1994.

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death globally. More than 7 million deaths per year are attributed to coronary heart disease, with unhealthy diets and obesity listed among the major risk factors.

With a string of major new account wins in recent months, NatureForm Hatchery Technologies is expanding its management team with the appointment of Robert Bowen as regional sales manager for the Western US.

Aqua India 2016, a bi-annual event organized by the Indian Society of Aquaculture Professionals (SAP), was held this year in Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - January 29-30. Nutriad showed its’ commitment to the Indian Aquaculture Industry through a Gold Sponsorship for the event. The conference focused on the theme of “Indian Aquaculture: Assuming Responsibilities & Adapting to Changes.”

Pericoli Group is pleased to announce the release of MDFX, an innovative product belonging to the cooling line.


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