Erwan LEROUX and Cyrille HENRIET have recently joined the Altilis Nutrition Animale’s team as Sales engineers.

Jansen Poultry Equipment has appointed two new Area Managers in Asia to strengthen its presence and support services to all poultry farmers in the region. Dr. Eric Brawner and mr. NiranchaiTripati will support the team of Jansen Asia. 

Richard Weatherley, who joined Cobb Europe three years ago as broiler specialist, has been appointed production director for the region covering Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Nutriad, Belgium based feed additives manufacturer, appointed Hassan Taweel as Global Business Development Manager Ruminants.

The 2nd Dubai MEA Distributors Conference took place from 5 to 7 May 2015 at Le Meridien Hotel in Dubai. Nutriad animal production experts presented their latest findings and provided information on best practices and application of Nutriad products.

Hawa Chicken is the latest poultry firm to achieve entry to the Ross® 400 Club in the Middle East and Africa. The success comes as two of its contracted broiler farms recently reached a European Production Efficiency Factor (EPEF) of 400 or more with their Ross flocks, scoring 416 and 413 respectively.

The new website of Impex Barneveld is live! To support their clients even better, Impex recently completely renewed its website. The new website is built with a responsive web design, which ensures an optimal display of the website, also on a smartphone and tablet.

Text of recent speech by Henk van de Bunt, General Manager, Victam International BV given at the Press Conference the J W Marriott Hotel, Bangkok to launch the 2016 event.

Thai Feed Mill Association

“Thai Feed Mill Association” is delighted and thus would like to congratulate “Victam International” on next year’s trade shows and exhibitions being held in Thailand: “FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia 2016”.

The prize rewards innovations in dairy cattle breeding,  agriculture and renewable energy

Every year the Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions present the best equipment and technologies for dairy cattle, pig and poultry breeding, agriculture and renewable energy production.

And every year the best among these great innovations are rewarded with the Beltrami Award, the prestigious prize that has the aim to promote the improvement of work conditions, dairy cattle productivity, consumes reduction and sustainability.

Vencomatic introduces its new aviary system for layers: the Bolegg Gallery. This multi-tier system combines user friendliness with an economic design. While birds can follow their natural behaviour resulting in optimal laying performance, it allows you to collect eggs in an efficient way, preserving the quality after lay.

Termotecnica Pericoli S.r.l.never satisfied with the status quo continues to invest substantial resources into constant upgrading and product improvement through R&D into design, new materials and improved supply chain.

Increasing meat consumption, consumer demands and clamor for high quality and safe food, raising concerns on animal health and environmental protection, effectivity of antibiotic ban in US for in-feed use on 31st December 2016, global tendencies to reduce antibiotic growth promoters – because of these factors, phytogenics are seen as one of the top solutions in animal nutrition.

Nutriad is pleased to announce the appointment of Antonio Vila as Key Account Manager for Western Spain and Portugal.

The current phytases commercially available in the market differ markedly in terms of key characteristics. As a result, understanding the impact on performance and potential returns is vital if good product choices are to be made, claims AB Vista Technical Manager Dr Gilson Gomes.

With technical expertise seen as the key to increased production efficiency, more than 120 delegates from 25 countries in the Middle East and Africa and the Asia-Pacific regions attended the Cobb broiler seminar held in Bangkok, Thailand. 

More than 50 international and local guests attended the official opening of the new Cobb-Vantress Asia-Pacific regional head office in Shanghai, seen as an important step in developing the Cobb foothold in China. 

Hubbard LLC hosted an open house located at a new production complex which is its first in the isolated region of North East Alabama. The Open House initiative exposed Hubbard to the community, the state and to solicited perspective growers for Hubbard’s future production requirements. Hubbard was very pleased to welcome Deputy Commissioner Reese H. McKinnney, JR to the event (see picture on the right). Also in attendance was a nice representation from the Alabama Poultry Federation located in Montgomery, Alabama.

Mycotoxin-related threats to livestock production are severe or high in 80% of regions worldwide according to the latest BIOMIN Mycotoxin Survey. Those areas registered three or more major mycotoxins at concentration levels known to cause harm in animals. The survey results provide insights on the incidence of the six major mycotoxins in the agricultural commodities used for livestock feed.

AB Vista is welcoming three new staff to its expanding business in South Asia as the company continues to grow in the region.

Dr Kumar Kore and Dr Subhasish Ray join AB Vista as Technical Sales Managers for West and East India (respectively), while Raj Anand has been appointed as Finance Manager.

Mansoura is located in the Nile Delta region about 120 km northeast of Cairo and was selected by Misr Poultry Grandparents (MPG), the local Arbor Acres distributor as a suitable site for a seminar in one of the famous poultry regions and focal areas of Egypt.  The seminar was initiated to support the growing performance and reputation of Arbor Acres Plus in the domestic market and will be the start of a series of events over the next 18 months designed to transfer technical information and encourage customer visits within the market.

After five years leading Tyson Foods' international operations, James Young has returned to Cobb-Vantress as Vice President of Operations for South America and the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region.


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