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Stanley Millar, Aviagen® Sales Manager for Arbor Acres®, one of the Arbor Acres brand’s most prominent and charismatic figures, has retired after 32 years of service.

Stanley’s career coincided with enormous industry growth in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) and during three decades working with Arbor Acres he played a variety of roles to contribute to the success of the brand in the region.

Stanley had a key part in supporting the emerging poultry industry in the Middle East and Africa, delivering management and commercial advice for Arbor Acres parent stock into many markets.  He also was essential in setting up GP distributors who still contribute heavily to the popularity and success of Arbor Acres. These developments became the forerunner for the establishment of the modern day poultry industry in the region. 

Having joined Arbor Acres in Holland in 1983, Stanley assumed the role of Technical Manager in the Middle East as the business grew both direct sales and distribution of parent stock in the region. By 1992, he was promoted to General Manager in Holland and began running the international business

When in 1999 Arbor Acres and Nicholas Turkeys were acquired by Aviagen, Stanley resumed responsibility for the commercial development of the Arbor Acres brand and saw Arbor Acres products continue to flourish in the region’s broiler breeder market. 

A well-known face throughout the industry and referred to by many as ‘Mr Arbor Acres’, Stanley’s brand of straight-talking advice became the benchmark for customer service in the region.

Michael Garden, Aviagen Business Manager, MEA, said: “Stanley has been an industry figure head and is synonymous with the Aviagen brand Arbor Acres. He was at the helm during a significant period of growth for the industry and particularly for Arbor Acres in the MEA region. However, he is best known for his customer service - always putting the customer first -, his excellent commercial drive and his vision of the poultry industry in the Middle East and Africa.” 

Stanley Millar commented: “I have been very fortunate to have chosen a career in a business as dynamic as the poultry industry. It has been a privilege to have been associated with the foundation and establishment of the modern poultry industry in the Middle East and Africa. I trust that with my support I have somehow contributed to the growth of my customers’ enterprises. The loyalty, friendship and hospitality I have received from friends and customers throughout the region will always remain foremost in my memories.”


Stanley Millar (l),   Jan Henriksen, CEO, (r)

WhatsApp Image 2024 05 05 at 12.42.41 PM 1مؤتمر بغداد للطب البيطري ٢٠٢٤

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