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Cobb held its Asia-Pacific regional conference in Singapore attended by the owners and top executives from 36 distributors in 15 countries across the region.

Jerry Moye, president of Cobb-Vantress, spoke at the event, held at the Capella Hotel and Resort, about the company’s contribution to providing the world with affordable protein through genetic progress and expanding its global business. 

He said that Cobb will continue to focus on the Asia-Pacific market with the establishment of a Cobb grandparent operation being just one example. 

Mitch Abrahamsen, vice president of Cobb research and development, emphasized the breed’s genetic improvement year-on-year through innovation and use of the latest technology.

Cobb is continuing to invest in research with cooperation from highly regarded universities around the world to develop the product and to balance qualities such as robustness, meat yield and feed conversion, said Dr Abrahamsen. The emphasis is on achieving the lowest broiler chick cost and also the best meat yield in its class.

Pelayo Casanovas, who was appointed general manager for Asia-Pacific region earlier this year, gave his vision of Cobb expanding to meet the challenge of economic and population growth in the region. 

He said that as well as increasing production facilities in both China and Philippines, Cobb is also strengthening its Asia-Pacific team in aspects such as technical support, performance data analysis and marketing intelligence to keep the business on track to attain more than half of the market in this region by 2015. 

Narongchai Butsamian, vice president of CP Livestock Myanmar, summed up the event:  “Not only do we know more about the progress of Cobb genetic improvement, but we also exchanged information and data on the breed’s performance in this region. 

“This is a tremendously successful event both in sharing knowledge about Cobb and about our partners in the region. It is absolutely an opening of the door for us to know more about what other companies are doing to be successful players in a competitive market.” 

The event ended with the stunning firework display after the dinner at the Universal Studio Singapore. 


  The new Cobb flagship in Asia-Pacific is the regional head office being opened in Shanghai, together with state-of-the-art production facilities being established in China and increasing the number of Cobb team members in the region to provide a higher level of customer support. 


  Cobb-Vantress, Inc. is a poultry research and development company engaged in the production, improvement and sale of broiler breeding stock.  Cobb is the world’s oldest pedigree broiler breeding company. Since 1916 Cobb has grown into one of the world’s leading suppliers of broiler breeding stock with distribution in 100 countries. Cobb has contributed to the dynamic efficiency and growth of an industry that has transformed chicken into an economically affordable healthy protein source for many of the world's almost seven billion people


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