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‘Impact player’ Riaan van Dyk to lead marketing for the bioscience company

Kemin Industries has recruited Riaan van Dyk to lead its marketing and strategic efforts worldwide. Van Dyk will serve as the worldwide vice president of marketing and strategy for Kemin and lead its corporate marketing team.

“Every investment we make in research, equipment and talent is made to achieve our vision of improving the quality of life by touching half of the people of the world with our products and services,” said Dr. Chris Nelson, CEO and president of Kemin Industries. “Riaan van Dyk brings the energy, global experience and expertise we believe will take our marketing and related results to a whole new level. He’s what coaches and company leaders call an impact player.”

Van Dyk joins Kemin with 20 years of working in some of the fastest growing health markets in the world while creating and driving core brand strategies to increase market share in the pharmaceutical/life sciences industries. He served as the marketing director for Elanco (a division of Eli Lilly) in Asia Pacific and South Africa where he led a team of marketing and technical managers, pricing consultants, and product launch leaders.

“Kemin is a company whose integrity for great science, research and highly effective ingredients has made it the success it is today,” said van Dyk. “Now my job is to work with the company’s leadership teams to create and drive marketing strategies that build on and leverage that success. I predict ambitious goals, bold strategies and am excited to get to work.”

Van Dyk is based out of Singapore and will spend a substantial amount of time travelling to the company’s global headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, as well as other worldwide locations.

He holds master’s degrees in business and science as well as multiple bachelor’s degrees in animal nutrition and science. 


Kemin – Inspired Molecular Solutions™

Kemin ( provides “inspired molecular solutions” specifically developed to provide nutrition and health benefits for humans and animals. Committed to feed and food safety, Kemin maintains top-of-the-line manufacturing facilities where approximately 500 specialty ingredients are made for the global feed and food industries as well as the health, nutrition and beauty markets. A privately held, family-owned and operated company, Kemin has nearly 2,000 employees and operates in more than 90 countries with manufacturing facilities in Belgium, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Singapore, South Africa and the United States.

WhatsApp Image 2024 05 05 at 12.42.41 PM 1مؤتمر بغداد للطب البيطري ٢٠٢٤

برعاية السيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء المحترم، تنظّم إدارة مؤتمر بغداد للطب البيطري مؤتمراً تقيمه نقابة الأطباء البيطريّين في العراق بعنوان

إقرأ المزيد...

mبمشاركة جزائرية قوية… انطلاق المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للملتقى المصري للدواجن

انطلق يوم أمس الاربعاء، بمدينة الغردقة المصرية، المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للملتقى المصري للدواجن، بحضور ممثل وزير الزراعة المصري ووفود عربية ودولية.
ويهدف الملتقى، الذي يعرف مشاركة العديد من المنتجين والخبراء، إلى جانب أساتذة جامعيين من معظم الدول العربية وعلى رأسها الجزائر، إضافة إلى خبراء دوليين، إلى النهوض بصناعة الدواجن في مصر والدول العربية.

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متى تنتهي أزمة ارتفاع أسعار الدواجن والبيض في مصر؟

الدواجن والبيضقفزة في أسعار الدواجن في مصر

تشهد مصر ارتفاعا غير مسبوق في أسعار البيض والدواجن بسبب أزمة نقص الأعلاف، لكن ملامح انفراج هذه الأزمة بدأت تلوح في الأفق، مع الإفراج عن كميات من الأعلاف الموجودة بالموانئ، ما يبشر بعودة الحياة لهذا القطاع الحيوي في البلاد.

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egypt flagما هي اكبر الدول العربية انتاجاً للدّواجن؟

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iraqi flagشروط من قبل الحكومة العراقية لاستيراد البيض وذلك لدعم المنتج المحلي

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