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Vencomatic introduces its new aviary system for layers: the Bolegg Gallery. This multi-tier system combines user friendliness with an economic design. While birds can follow their natural behaviour resulting in optimal laying performance, it allows you to collect eggs in an efficient way, preserving the quality after lay.

Easy management

As it is getting more difficult to find skilled labour, the importance of an easy to manage system is growing. The Bolegg Gallery uses vertical space to increase the number of birds per m2 floor area. Its open structure simplifies inspection. The winchable back walls allow nest inspection and the tree-concept offers a good overview and access to all levels. 


Optimal egg quality

At the heart of the Bolegg Gallery you’ll find  the Vencomatic laying nest. This nest is based on Vencomatic innovations, such as the Vencomat, the tipping floor and the egg belt. The design of the Vencomat ensures minimum contact with the eggs. With the perfect angle of the nest eggs gently roll away directly after lay protecting them from damage by the birds. All 3 tiers of the Bolegg Gallery are equipped with egg belts, enabling automatic collection of all eggs. A tipping floor closing mechanism prevents littering the nest at night and allows dirt and dust to fall off easily when closing the nest. The system offers an hygienic environment through the combination of the nest and the wiremeshfloor. 

The design combined with easy operation makes managing aviary birds easier than you think.


 Vencomatic Group is known for its innovative and sustainable systems for the poultry industry. Combining three well-known brands – Vencomatic, Agro Supply and Prinzen - Vencomatic Group offers a full range of innovative systems for all types of poultry farms worldwide. 

For more information please visit or contact عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

WhatsApp Image 2024 05 05 at 12.42.41 PM 1مؤتمر بغداد للطب البيطري ٢٠٢٤

برعاية السيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء المحترم، تنظّم إدارة مؤتمر بغداد للطب البيطري مؤتمراً تقيمه نقابة الأطباء البيطريّين في العراق بعنوان

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انطلق يوم أمس الاربعاء، بمدينة الغردقة المصرية، المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للملتقى المصري للدواجن، بحضور ممثل وزير الزراعة المصري ووفود عربية ودولية.
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