Opening Session: (1:56)
WATT and MEAP in VIV PMRT is a MEAP-Middle East Agrifood Publishers / WATT Global Media joint venture, exclusively for VIV of VNU Exhibitions.
Opening Session: (4:36)
The Farmers importance Moderator: Ghassan Sayegh.
The Macroeconomy doesn’t exist without Microeconomy. Microeconomy is only a matter of supply and demand (sell and buy). The land and the water are given free by nature to the Farmer. Through this PMRT we want to save our saver, the farmer.
Opening Session: (4:24)
Sheikh Hamed bin Khadem Bin Butti Al Hamed Chairman of Bin Butti Group & Founder of the Poultry Producers Association the UAE
He wished to all the presence to profit from the top experts and industry leaders of the area as being a unique golden opportunity serving our community and working to strengthen its structure in the world.
Opening Session: (3:54)
Mr Louis Lahoud General director of the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture
Gathering once again from all the countries is a beautiful opportunity, especially because of the economic benefits between countries that need to be preserved. Lebanon is grateful for being embraced by the Gulf Countries during the economic and social crisis.
The Chairs: (10:29)
Mr Amr Ali, Egyptian Marketing Leader, CEO of Tiba company MrZayed Hazem, CEO of Cairo 3a group Mr Maan Abdallah El Kadi, Deputy general manager of Kadi Agriculture group Mr Tony Freijeh, CEO of Al-Wadi group Mr Turky Al Thunayan, Head of sales of IYA Investment Mr William Boutros, President of the syndicate of the Lebanese poultry producers.
Keynote Speakers: (15:16)
Ms Kate Hartley Co-founder, Polpeo ( The basic principles of crisis management From salmonella outbreaks to targeted campaigns from climate change activists, a crisis can have a sudden and dramatic negative impact on your business. In an environment where everyone has a voice on social media, it has never been more important to prepare for a crisis. Kate’s talk will outline the fundamental principles of good crisis management, from strong leadership to clear and transparent communications.
Keynote Speakers: (13:20)
Mr Nadim Khouri An independent researcher on food security under crisis conditions. He worked several years for the World Bank and is an official adviser for ADAFSA.
He presently advises governments, international organizations and businesses on evidence-based policies and investments in agriculture and global and national food security, the adaptation of African agriculture to climate change, and food security in the Middle East and North Africa Region.
Keynote Speakers: (11:16)
Mr Nan-Dirk Mulder Rabo Bank
As an animal protein specialist, Mr. Mulder presented the market outlook for Agri Commodity prices and trade. How individual companies could secure supply and deal with volatility.
Keynote Speakers: (6:46)
Mr Antoine Sayegh MEAP Founder and honorary president
Crisis management our daily companion. An invitation to a sincere cooperation, to unite and to share ideas, questions and suggestions
Chairs Speech: (9:41)
Mr Tony Freijeh Co-Founder of Inmaa, CEO of AL-Wadi Group
“Half of the crisis is speaking about crisis” Managing under Crisis is a default state, this is normal life. The managers’ focus is not the crisis it is how to grow in crisis mode. Going along with the wave and with what the governments want to be done will lead to trouble. Every Crisis has an end.
Chairs Speech: (6:46)
Mr Turky Al Thunayan Head of sales at IYA Investments
An invitation to have an Arab Online Platform a kind of general platform covering grain, chicks, eggs, hatching eggs or table eggs, meat, premixes, feed additives, vitamins, minerals. Covering the prices of all these commodities, send news..
Chairs Speech: (4:36)
Mr Maan Abdallah Al Kadi Deputy general manager of Kadi Agriculture group
Vision to develop the Kadi Group and to join Mr Ghassan Sayegh in Mr Antoine Sayegh’s dream to have a grand Parent belonging to Arab area
Chairs Speech: (9:05)
Mr William Boutros President of the syndicate of the Lebanese poultry producers and Co-owner of Wilco a leading poultry integrating company.
Every crisis is an opportunity. Inform governments that poultry production needs to be their foremost strategy for self-sufficiency and resilience in the face of crisis. The most important is the human resources, cash, inventory, public relations and engagement in social activity. Especially in Lebanon where the crisis is a combination of multiple crisis.
The Debate: (17:01)
Part 1 How to produce eggs and meat locally with the presence of the Australian and Brazilian competition? How can a strong poultry industry in divided and separated Arabic countries work all together? Should they work separately and combine together?... |
The Debate: (31:03)
Part 2 Why there is no cooperation between the big breeder companies in the same country? Is the Field of poultry still attractive to invest in? Can we invest without funds and funders?...
Closing Ceremony: (9:04)
Certificate distribution to the attendees and speakers signed by the organizers of the PMRT.
A thank you and an appreciation to all the presence.