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mahmoud hayshaby: Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Salama El-Haysha - Egypt

Rabbits are among the most important animals raised for meat production worldwide, especially in Egypt, where they are known for their high reproductive rates, rapid growth, and high-quality meat. Local rabbit breeds in Egypt are distinguished by their ability to adapt to local environmental conditions, such as high temperatures and limited resources, compared to imported breeds that require special care and specific conditions. Below, we explore the main characteristics of local rabbit breeds and their role in improving animal production in Egypt.

moultakaThe International Forum of "Rural Saudi Arabia" discusses the importance of partnership between the public and private sectors to empower rural families and develop the agricultural sector

The first international forum of "Rural Saudi Arabia" discussed the role of rural society in achieving sustainable development goals, according to the targets of Saudi Vision 2030, in addition to the importance of partnerships between the public and private sectors to achieve this, and their effective contribution to the development of rural communities.

charikat balady"Balady Poultry" announces an expansion plan with investments of 1.13 billion riyals Between 2025 and 2029

"Balady Poultry" Company announced its strategic expansion plan between 2025-2029, which aims to invest in the poultry sector in the amount of 1.137 billion riyals.

tanmiahA subsidiary of "Food Development" signs a contract to establish 100 broiler farms with "Chengdu" Design and Research Institute to establish 100 broiler farms

"Food Development" Company said: "The Agricultural Development Company, its subsidiary, has signed a contract with "Chengdu" Design and Research Institute to establish 100 broiler farms."

naqqi"Naqi" signs a contract to implement a project to build poultry pens at a cost of 12.3 million riyals

naqqi2"Naqi" Water Company signed with "Bilad Al-Sham" General Contracting Company. The contract to implement a project to build new poultry pens is at a cost of 12.31 million riyals, as part of the poultry sector expansion projects.

dajajaBackyard Chicken Outsmarts Sneaky Alpaca In Hilarious Feeder Battle

Who knew a backyard chicken could be this clever?

Miledaaribiby: Dr. Milad Ibrahim Aribi – Iraq

Many veterinarians have questions about adenovirus, and I will address some of the most common inquiries regarding this topic, even if simply, so that everyone can understand what adenovirus is from my perspective.

How does adenovirus spread?
Adenovirus can be transmitted through eggs to the embryo, and antibodies (Ab) can also be transferred. The virus remains in a latent state in chicks (broilers) until the maternal antibodies are cleared from the body. The virus will then activate under certain conditions, such as toxin exposure or immunosuppressive diseases.

dik roumi2The most important benefits of turkey

Turkey is one of the large birds that are raised on farms, and can be hunted from the wild. The original home of the turkey is North America, and it is consumed all over the world, because its meat is rich in nutrients and protein. The nutritional value of the turkey depends on the piece of meat and the method of preparation. Processed turkey meat is a rich source of minerals and vitamins, and may contain a high percentage of preservatives, sugar, unhealthy fats and sodium.

dajaj wadiThe Abyssinian Valley Chicken.. Lays eggs twice a day, and raising it generates 10 thousand pounds every 3 months

A bird that confuses those who see it for the first time. It may be confused with the turkey, or the peacock. However, it is a type called the Abyssinian Valley Chicken, or the African Chicken, or the Pharaoh Chicken.

aranib1Learn about the unique benefits of rabbit meat

Benefits of rabbit meat
Rabbit meat is a delicious meat, and it is also healthy and rich in nutrients, as rabbit meat contains proteins that are quickly digested, beneficial, and their quantity is greater when compared to red meat and chicken.

kam baydHow many times does a chicken lay eggs in a year?

Everything you need to know about chicken eggs and the factors that affect them

Chickens lay eggs regularly, usually one egg per day. However, factors such as weather, day length, nutrition, and the presence of predators can affect the rate at which they lay eggs.

Chicken weight gain pills are effective in increasing the weight of poultry

houboubHave you heard of pills to increase the weight of white chickens? In fact, the white chickens you buy have often been given weight gain pills. If the chicken is overweight, in an exaggerated way, this is of course the result of taking doses of weight gain pills for chickens.

dawagen"Al Watania Poultry" establishes the largest cooling station in the East

Al Watania Poultry Company announced, in a statement, the establishment of the largest cooling station in the Middle East with a capacity of 17,700 kilowatts of thermal energy.

mealStudy identifies the 4 best healthy meals... and the most dangerous

A recent American study revealed the best healthy meals that can be chosen from to maintain health in the new year, and focused on choosing a group of foods that should be focused on and other foods that it warned of the importance of reducing, such as red meat.

influenzaFirst human death from bird flu in the US
Louisiana health authorities announced on Monday the first human death from bird flu, noting that it was an elderly patient who had other illnesses.

hendrixHendrix Genetics Partners with LABOGENA DNA for Advanced Genotyping Services
Hendrix Genetics, a globally recognized leader in animal breeding across multiple species (turkeys, layers, traditional poultry, swine, trout, salmon, and shrimp) has selected LABOGENA DNA as its exclusive provider for genotyping services in its multi-species breeding program for the next three years.

ostrichLearn about the 3 most important types of ostriches in the world.. The best of them is the black-necked

Ostrich meat consumption is considered a new phenomenon in Egypt due to consumers not being accustomed to it, which requires some time to get used to consuming it, in addition to the high prices of selling it locally compared to the prices of selling red meat such as cows and sheep, and the demand for ostrich meat is still limited to visitors to hotels and large restaurants and some who want to eat it occasionally.

turkiSarakbi.125By: Dr. Turki Saraqbi 

Who among us doesn't enjoy pasta (spaghetti, or thin strings) cooked in various ways (with tomato sauce, yogurt, eggs, cheese, etc.)? However, none of us likes to see these strings or tough white lines in broiler chicken meat (especially in the breast), which often leads to the rejection of such chickens for human consumption in slaughterhouses, causing significant moral losses to the poultry industry, farmers, slaughterhouses, and their associated companies.

In fact, global attention has focused on understanding the increasing incidence of muscle disorders (myopathies) in broiler chickens, a topic that has gained prominence in the early 21st century.

Screen Shot 2024 12 19 at 6.38.08 PMMiddle East Poultry Meat Market Analysis
Screen Shot 2024 12 19 at 6.38.08 PMThe Middle East poultry meat market size is estimated at USD 15.93 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 17.51 ​​billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 1.90% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

بحث عن الأسماك10 Interesting Facts About Fish

Fish have been living on Earth for more than 500 million years, they have been around for a long time on planet Earth even before the dinosaurs, and there are more than 25,000 species of fish, so there are more species of fish than all types of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

سلطنة عمان اسماك حوت العنبر Poultry livestock middle east Africa 780x470Environment Authority: The death of the "sperm whale" in the Wilayat of Barka was due to natural conditions

The Environment Authority confirmed that initial information suggested that the causes of the death of the "sperm whale" off the coast of the Suwadi area in the Wilayat of Barka were due to natural conditions.

Parus major 2 Luc ViatourBird Oddities and Wonders

From this long list, we have chosen for you the strangest birds and some information about them:

khaled okashaBy: Dr. Khaled Okasha - PhD in Poultry Nutrition
Regional Technical Director for the Middle East, Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health (IFF)

Due to genetic improvements in breeder strains over recent years, it is essential to continuously review nutritional requirements. Both calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) are essential minerals for growth and bone formation, responsible for their hardness and strength. Therefore, accurately estimating calcium and phosphorus requirements is crucial for increasing productivity.
Unlike phosphorus (P), calcium sources are generally inexpensive. Studies have shown that excessive calcium may negatively affect digestion due to the formation of insoluble salts with dietary fatty acids in the intestinal lumen, which may reduce nutrient availability, decrease energy utilization, and reduce growth and feed efficiency. Additionally, excess calcium interferes with the digestion and absorption of trace minerals and interacts with inorganic phosphorus in the digestive tract. Hence, reducing calcium levels can enhance phosphorus utilization.

khaled okashaBy: Dr. Khaled Okasha - PhD in Poultry Nutrition
Regional Technical Director for the Middle East, Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health (IFF)

Due to genetic improvements in breeder strains over recent years, it is essential to continuously review nutritional requirements. Both calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) are essential minerals for growth and bone formation, responsible for their hardness and strength. Therefore, accurately estimating calcium and phosphorus requirements is crucial for increasing productivity.
Unlike phosphorus (P), calcium sources are generally inexpensive. Studies have shown that excessive calcium may negatively affect digestion due to the formation of insoluble salts with dietary fatty acids in the intestinal lumen, which may reduce nutrient availability, decrease energy utilization, and reduce growth and feed efficiency. Additionally, excess calcium interferes with the digestion and absorption of trace minerals and interacts with inorganic phosphorus in the digestive tract. Hence, reducing calcium levels can enhance phosphorus utilization.

khaled okashaBy: Dr. Khaled Okasha - PhD in Poultry Nutrition
Regional Technical Director for the Middle East, Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health (IFF)

Due to genetic improvements in breeder strains over recent years, it is essential to continuously review nutritional requirements. Both calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) are essential minerals for growth and bone formation, responsible for their hardness and strength. Therefore, accurately estimating calcium and phosphorus requirements is crucial for increasing productivity.
Unlike phosphorus (P), calcium sources are generally inexpensive. Studies have shown that excessive calcium may negatively affect digestion due to the formation of insoluble salts with dietary fatty acids in the intestinal lumen, which may reduce nutrient availability, decrease energy utilization, and reduce growth and feed efficiency. Additionally, excess calcium interferes with the digestion and absorption of trace minerals and interacts with inorganic phosphorus in the digestive tract. Hence, reducing calcium levels can enhance phosphorus utilization.

تبوكPoultry meat project on an area of ​​4 million square meters in Tabuk

The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture signed an agreement with a specialized company to establish a broiler poultry project on agricultural land exceeding 4 million square meters, east of the Miqoua-Tabuk road in Al-Jawf region.

Delmon lildawagenDelmon Poultry announces its financial results for the nine-month period ending September 30, 2024

The Board of Directors of Delmon Poultry Company (trading symbol POLTRY) approved the reviewed condensed interim financial statements for the nine-month period ending September 30, 2024, and the results of the third quarter of 2024 at its meeting held on November 12, 2024.

hadathTunisia seeks to buy 200,000 tonnes of soft and hard wheat

European traders said Tunisia's state grains office has issued an international tender to buy about 100,000 tonnes of soft milling wheat and about 100,000 tonnes of hard wheat.

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