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Maintaining egg shell quality is important for maximizing production of broiler chicks from breeders as shell quality and hatchability go hand in hand. Thin shells allow for higher water vapor loss during incubation resulting in dehydrated chicks and higher late embryonic mortality.

The pocket-sized booklets, 'Management Guidelines for Breeding Turkeys' and‘Management Guidelines for Commercial Turkeys’, have been updated to reflect the latest in industry best practices.

The aim of these booklets is to help Aviagen Turkeys’ customers achieve optimum performance from their birds. The manuals include data from research trials, published scientific reports, as well as the expertise and practical skills of the Aviagen Turkeys Customer Support Team. The publications cover general flock husbandry, feeding, lighting and ventilation, as well as biosecurity and other related topics.

The protein a cow gets comes from two origins: feed protein and microbial protein. Depending on its degradability, a portion of the rumen nutritional protein (RDP) is broken down by certain microorganisms that use nitrogen (and sometimes other elements), carbon chains, hydrogen, oxygen and energy to produce their own protein.

Climate change is expected to have a severe impact on the development of mycotoxins in crops, with negative consequences for livestock health and performance. Farmers need new tools to overcome challenges in animal feeding.

GhassanI do not think anyone who lives in our world does not know the importance of milk and dairy in the development of human beings.

From my childhood through adolescence, I still remember how my mother gave me and my siblings our daily cup of milk, of course this is apart from the many types of dairy and cheese.

GhassanEdited01For many years, we’ve been repeating to each other “Happy New Year” as if this wish has become a routine, echoing automatically or even in a dull way, despite it possibly coming from the depths of our hearts. The recent years have darkened our future, robbed us our sleep, and led us to a state of despair to the point of disbelief in life.
We’ve endured everything, from economic struggles to the madness of prices, the threat of diseases – especially COVID – and finally, witnessing the loss of thousands of innocent children’s lives without a blink from the rulers of this world that is crawling its way towards the unknown or...extinction.

GhassanEdited01After a long absence, here I am, back to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in the "Middle East Poultry Exhibition," in the time when companies are crowding to showcase their latest products in the Kingdom, and investments are flowing in abundantly.

The exhibition lasted for three indistinguishable days, amidst intense crowds from all over the world. On the way back home, I was thinking and reminiscing about the people we met at the exhibition and conversations we had with visitors and company representatives. We talked both: current problems and desire to, nevertheless, keep on doing our jobs and following up in the times when the world is plagued by diseases, and wars, and, obviously, economic turbulence.

GhassanEdited01We can say that the roundtable discussions of the problems of the Arab poultry industry during “VIV MEA” exhibition in Abu Dhabi late last year was the most important event in my opinion.

How could it not be? it gathered around the most important and successful poles of the Arab poultry industry. Of course, these discussions will have dedicated pages in the upcoming issue in which we will discuss in detail the opinions of many who attended and who followed the discussion and were not unable to attend...

GhassanEdited01Numbers and data are overly done in relation to global feed prices, they go up and down all the time. Sometimes we are optimistic about the positive side, and sometimes we hear the sound of the alarm threatening the animal production industry in general and the poultry production field in particular.
Feed is an essential component of production and it costs the breeder two-thirds of the production costs and plays a key role in productivity and in the profitability of the breeder. Its prices are linked to supply, demand and global logistics. The breeder cannot control the logistics, but he can control the quality of the feed and limit its contamination so that it does not lead to the spread of germs and mycotoxins.

  Ghassan03  Poultry Middle East & North Africa Editorilal
 Poultry Marketing Round Table

MEAP (Poultry Middle East and North Africa) will participate as a founding member in the Poultry Industry Roundtable Conference that will be held at VIV Middle East - Abu Dhabi from 23-25 november.

I can sum up this conference in few words; “returning to the roots.” It will not be based on long or brief lectures, but rather on discussions and exchange of experiences and knowledge to reach implementable results and recommendations.

GhassanEdited01After the catastrophic explosion that destroyed the capital Beirut, which was classified by the world media as the fourth strongest explosion in human history after the atomic bomb, I asked Dr. Manoush Qalil to inspect the condition of our chickens following this tragedy.

And since the poultry farms are far from the place of the explosion, Dr. Mannoush Qalil - who is a specialist in the language of animals - went to one of the automated slaughterhouses near the capital, where he was able to address the chickens that were gathered to be slaughtered the next day and he found them still panicking, rotating around themselves and trembling; it looked like a case of collective hysteria among them.

Ghassan RussiaIs there one educated person in this world who did not hear or read this verse from the Noble Qur’an that is translated into all the languages of the world “And we have made from water every living thing”?

Water ... water ... water ... We wrote for decades on the pages of this magazine that water is the cheapest thing, but it is the basis of the poultry industry.

GhassanWhat to Expect after Corona?

A question that might be asked by many.

But the primary question is the following: when will this deadly virus be over? And how many lives will it take?

How can we think about our future and our present reeling in the strongest earthquake that affects humanity since the Second World War?

Ghassan03After the spread of Coronavirus (Covid 19) in the world we no longer read and hear news about anything other than this disease, which spread with lightning speed in the majority -if not all- of the countries. However, there is funny news - so that I do not say strange - that grabbed my attention because it says:

Scientists at MIGAL Galilee Research Institute may be able to produce a vaccine against coronavirus after about two months of the time of its spread...

GhassanA new year.

What is really new about it?

Every time we try something new, we acknowledge the importance of the old.

GhassanWhy a special issue about Egypt? Why today?

The truth is that the idea of this special issue is not new, and this is not the first issue about Egypt since we have issued more than one special in the past…

One day I went to visit a farm, and while I was waiting in the reception hall, I noticed a panel hanging on the wall with words instead of a distinctive picture. I was intrigued to get closer to it and read what was written on it: “My dear grandson,

My grandfather’s will to me was to preserve and respect the environment at all cost but the pressure of labor competition and the obsession with reducing production costs have blinded me and has made me forget my grandfather’s will which was: “preserve nature ad leave this planet as clean as you found it.”

We, the suffering and the heat are living for our chicks…

If only the great musician Abdel Wahab, and the nightingale of the East Abdel Halim Hafez (may they rest in peace) were still with us today, they would have pitied us and sung about our hassle while trying to keep our chicks healthy in summer.

We do not boast or pride ourselves in keeping us with the age of digital technology and our presence on web pages since its inception, and it has become a necessity of the present era. Everything has become online. Banks, hospitals, armies and public security, even global security has become remotely managed…The world can only be wiped out with the click of a button…

And the worse is yet to come…



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