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أسرار وحقائق عن نوم الدجاجSecrets and facts about chickens

poultry3Types of Chicken: Learn about the types of chicken by name

There are hundreds of types of chicken in the world, and each type is distinguished from the other in shape, color, size, and type of feathers. There are also types raised for eggs and meat; some of them are raised for decoration and participation in exhibitions and competitions.

ziraa"Agriculture" offers 27 investment opportunities for poultry projects in Afif Governorate

The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture announced the offering of 27 investment opportunities for poultry projects in Afif Governorate in the Riyadh region.

limourabiFor poultry farmers... Learn about the damage caused by incorrect feed storage on flock health and productivity

Here is important information for farmers and workers in the livestock and poultry sector about the damage that may result from storing feed incorrectly, or for long periods, which negatively affects animal health and productivity.

wazirMinister of Environment sponsors signing of strategic investment between Brazil Foods Arabia and Doha Poultry Company to increase production capacity in poultry products sector

His Excellency the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Fadley, sponsored the signing of the Halal Products Development Company, fully owned by the Public Investment Fund, in cooperation with Brazil Foods (BRF) International, through their joint venture Brazil Foods (BRF) Arabia; a strategic investment agreement with Doha Poultry Company.

mohammed ali makkiBy: Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ali Maki Jassem Al-Rubaie - Iraq

Chickens have been the focus of vertebrate embryology research for several decades, as their embryos are fertilized internally and then accurately loaded into eggs, providing easy access to developmental stages for groundbreaking manipulative experiments. Thanks to many emerging techniques, such as electroporation in vivo, stem cell research tools, innovative methods for genetically modified animals, and accessible genomic sequencing resources, the chick embryo has become a more robust model.

haqaeqDid you know that chickens have a strong memory and are able to recognize human faces?

fawaedWhat are the most important benefits of eating chicken?
Eating chicken provides many health benefits, the most prominent of which are:

KSASaudi Arabia achieves a new leap in the volume of poultry meat production during the first half of 2024

Saudi Arabia achieved a new leap in the volume of poultry meat production during the first half of 2024, recording a record of 558 million kilograms, representing an increase of 9 percent, compared to the same period last year, which amounted to 511 million kilograms.

samakatGiant Frogfish: Unique Aquatic Creatures
The giant frogfish is one of the unique animals that live in the aquatic environment, and these creatures are characterized by being well camouflaged, and adapted to the ocean, to the point that they are rarely discovered.

Safwat Kamalby: Prof. Dr. Safwat Kamal

(A) Heavy Metals
Mercury – Cadmium – Lead – Copper – Zinc
Heavy metals are among the most significant pollutants leading to fish contamination, posing a high risk to both fish and human health. This is because they affect vital processes and reproduction in fish.

Minister of Agriculture inaugurates Petra Livestock Exhibition 2024
PetraThe Minister of Agriculture Eng. Khaled Al-Hunaifat inaugurated the activities of the second edition of the Petra Livestock Exhibition 2024, an international exhibition specialized in the livestock sector and interested in displaying the latest technology in animal production in various fields and various medicines, vaccines and equipment.

Minister of Environment signs a contract worth 175 million riyals to establish a regional reference laboratory for diagnosing diseases, developing and localizing vaccines in Riyadh

Image 2024 07 15 2.48.17His Excellency the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley, signed a contract for the project to establish and design a regional reference veterinary laboratory for diagnosing diseases, developing and localizing vaccines in the Riyadh region, with a specialized national company, at a total cost exceeding 175 million riyals. The laboratory will contribute to conducting applied research and studies that serve the field of animal wealth and health in the Kingdom, and become a regional reference laboratory for the Middle East region at high vital sign levels.

The Saudi Agricultural Development Fund approves financing loans worth more than two billion riyals
صندوق التنمية الزراعية 1691316002 0Distributed across a number of regions in the Kingdom to enhance the strategic stock and stabilize food supply chains

The head of the Poultry Syndicate reveals: Is poultry production okay?

naqabat dawagenThe head of the Poultry Syndicate, "William Boutros", reassured in a statement today, that "poultry production is in good condition, and that chicken and its parts are available in the Lebanese markets in abundance and at low prices," noting that "prices have recorded an additional decrease despite the serious events that Lebanon has witnessed over the past few days."

SPACE 2024, France

Space photoThe international Exhibition, at the heart of farming

mohammed al zawkariby: Dr. Mohammed Al-Zouqari - Yemen

This critical phase is very important in the life of laying hens. If not managed properly, it can negatively affect overall health and future egg production. As commercial chickens grow from chicks to hens, their nutritional requirements change. The critical phase in this development is the transition from grower feed to layer feed, which usually occurs between the sixteenth and twentieth week of age, though this period may vary depending on the commercial strain. If this transitional period is not managed correctly, it will adversely affect health and egg production.

mohammed fakhouri 2by: Dr. Mohammad Fakhoury - Lebanon


Poultry nutrition plays a crucial role in ensuring the health, growth, and productivity of poultry while meeting the increasing demands of the global population. As we look towards the future, there is an urgent need to revolutionize poultry nutrition. To achieve this, we must establish a thriving, sustainable, efficient, and environmentally responsible industry.

mohammed ali makkiPrepared by: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ali Maki Jassim Al-Rubaie - Iraq

Food security is a crucial element in any country's policy, concerning the assurance of adequate food supplies. Conversely, the term "food safety," often applied, refers to keeping undesirable and harmful factors—physical, chemical, and biological—at their lowest levels and as safe as possible. A significant event in recent decades has been the advancement of knowledge regarding food safety and the impact of feed on its security. Acceptable levels of substances and undesirable elements in feed have been identified. Special attention is given to unwanted residues of organic chlorine compounds like dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and residues of plant protection products that can easily transfer from feed to animal tissues, potentially contaminating animal-derived food products.



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