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Referring to my previous words on this particular topic where I wrote about trying to create mini dinosaurs out of chicken eggs, which was named before it was born as “Chickenosaurus” and of course, I reacted to this very negatively .

We are the Heroes

Let the truth be heard: us farmers in the Arab world, we are heroes.

We deserve the highest of distinctions; even higher that the once given to soldiers who protect their country.

We could sacrifice our lives if that means saving our chickens, because losing them means losing our money and becoming bankrupt, which leads to completely ruining our life.

I don’t know how to start my article and how to keep myself from being confused and hesitant since I had never been used to talk about myself or my parents and especially in this particular section.
And what to do if its specifically about the honoring of my father? Nevertheless, I will start by stating the highlights of the Lebanese media in early April:
            “The Lebanese order of merit to Mr. Antoine Sayegh”

One century ago, poultry breeding was still confined to the small households and backyards in rural areas until it has been modernized after the World War II and its name has been changed since then from poultry breeding and production to become poultry industry.

Bird flu news will be following us wherever we go.            

In the beginnings of the current century, news about bird flu strain H5N1 have been spread or even exploded worldwide and the news about this disease hit the headlines. Everybody fears the reoccurrence of what took place in Europe one century ago when the bird flu virus has been muted to affect humans and has been widely spread to affect and kill millions of people. 

Why do I repeat my thanks to my two friends for their valuable contribution so as our magazine would maintain soaring the heights?
Do they need the thanks? Do I need to thank them? Truth to be said: it is true that we need to revamp, modernize, and even revolutionize the editing and the production of this magazine, but there is a deference between wishing for something and getting it.

What happened this summer that top news headline are again on the risk of egg consumption, and maybe chicken meat consumption? Wasn’t it enough what was said and written about the avian flu, the Salmonella, the dioxide and others?

In my numerous trips to the Arab countries and my visits to many of the modern and huge poultry farms, it caught my attention in the layer poultry farms that there is little focus on the unproductive layers in more than one giant farm and in more than one Arab country.

We were and still complaining about the consumption of maize, soy, and wheat that are genetically engineered. Today, we are very close to the production and consumption of the genetically engineered meat and chicken, so what can we say?

I always wonder or maybe we all wonder too, why do we have to pay for us and for the others?

What sin have we- the poultry farmers- committed in the Middle East drown in muds and fires, to be thrown with stones from everywhere?

Last year, I had written an article from this very point of view based on a study about the intelligence of pigeons; at that time I had wished for a similar study about chickens. My wish did come true lately that I hope I wished for winning the lottery.

GhassanEdited01While surfing some websites on the Internet, a video clip caught my eye showing a helicopter carrying a cow, elegantly attached to it with carefully knotted ropes. Within moments, a second helicopter...and a third...up until they transported several cows; each one separately.
It was a strange and exciting sight for me, I, who from childhood used to see a rope tied around the neck of the cows, tightened by the hand of the breeder when necessary... hitting the cows sometimes so that they walk.

  Ghassan03 Bovine & Ovine- Middle East and North Africa

You are Wronged, Cow

God has created for us cows to nurture the plantation and help stimulate its rapid growth and nourish the soil of the earth with its excrement saturated with enzymes and nutrients necessary for the plant. But with the doubling of the population of the earth and the increase in the consumption of meat, cheese, and milk per capita, it was necessary for us to establish huge farms of cows for intensive and modern breeding to produce enough to feed the human being today.

It is well known that the fairs are the most efficient meeting point for dairy farmers and milk producers. In one of these crowdy shows, it happened to “steal” a discussion between two farmers. I deducated either from their behavior, or from their discussion that they have small family farms. As a matter of fact it was more a complaint than a discussion.




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