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In response to a marked increase in customer requests for in-feed analysis, AB Vista’s US laboratory team has relocated to larger facilities in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, close to the AB Vista US regional office.

Dr Hadden Graham, AB Vista’s Services Director, explains why in-feed enzyme analysis is so important for feed manufacturers: “Being able to test for correct enzyme dosage and activity is an important part of quality control and assurance procedures. This maximises the effectiveness and quality of feed, and ensures consistent animal production.”

“Failure to achieve this can result in significant reductions in animal performance, and subsequent financial loss.”

“The new facility will mean that AB Vista can provide customers with swift and accurate test results, ensuring that they, in turn, deliver a quality-assured product to their partners.”


Ongoing investment in technical services

Dr Graham says the ongoing investment in AB Vista’s lab capabilities and service delivery will mean the company can continue to support its customers in ensuring feeds contain the desired enzyme activity.

This investment includes a robotic system developed to exploit AB Vista’s enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, reducing turnaround time in measuring activity for Quantum Blue phytase and Econase XT xylanase.

“With over 16,000 analyses in the US alone last year, this robotic system is freeing up analysts’ time as well as increasing sample throughput of the lab and improving assay accuracy and precision,” Dr Graham adds.

The robotic system has been rolled out across AB Vista’s labs, while additional methodologies include the QuickStix lateral-flow assay for rapid qualitative detection and the QuantiPlate micro-titre well kit for accurate quantification of enzyme activity levels.

Matt Reed, AB Vista’s USA Laboratory Manager, explains that the US laboratory joins a network of scientific facilities: “AB Vista’s laboratories today process an average of approximately 200 samples per day. The labs recently marked the analysis of their 100,000th sample since opening in April 2011. Our facilities have a commitment to education, with hands-on customer and supplier training in all regions.”

“The new US facility will enable AB Vista to provide an even more efficient service to North American customers wanting samples analysed, and ensures we have the capacity to provide high-quality customer support as sales grow.”

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