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Multinational feed additives producer Nutriad participated in the 11th Asia Pacific Poultry Congress (APPC) organized by the World Poultry Science Association, which was held in Bangkok recently.  Belgium headquartered Nutriad works with poultry producers around the world to support them with feed additives solutions that have effectively proven to promote gut health, even in an environment where the use of anti-biotics is increasingly being restricted.

In recent years 'Gut health' has been gaining an increasing attention from veterinarians. It is understood that it refers to multiple positive aspects of the gastrointestinal tract, such as the effective digestion by absorption of food, absence of GI illness, normal and stable intestinal microbiota, effective immune status and a state of well-being. Any disturbance or imbalance in these matters could potentially impact the gut health of animals. It is therefore necessary to maintain the balance of all possible associated factors related to gut health.  Poultry producers used to achieve this by using of Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGPs). The use of AGPs however is being increasingly restricted. That resulted in the development of natural additives that became part of alternative feed strategies. Nutriad has been pioneering research and product development that support producers around the world in achieving gut health and notices an increasing attention in Asia Pacific for its’ innovative solutions.

At the APPC, Business Development Manager Digestive Performance Daniel Ramirez presented on “Utilizing Feed Additives To Maximize Broiler Gut Health,” where he emphasized on the improvements that can be made by optimizing single molecule feed additives and by investigating their optimal use in specific programs, focusing on the application of butyrate (ADIMIX® Precision) and phytogenic compounds (APEX® 5).  Mr. Ramirez commented: “Gut health is important for maximizing the health, welfare, and performance of poultry. For optimum intestinal support, ADIMIX® Precision utilizes a unique precision delivery matrix that delivers the butyrate into the intestines where it has the greatest benefit”

Nutriad delivers products and services to over 80 countries through a network of own sales offices and distributors. Supported by 4 application laboratories and 5 manufacturing facilities on 3 continents.                                          Find out more at


WhatsApp Image 2024 05 05 at 12.42.41 PM 1مؤتمر بغداد للطب البيطري ٢٠٢٤

برعاية السيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء المحترم، تنظّم إدارة مؤتمر بغداد للطب البيطري مؤتمراً تقيمه نقابة الأطباء البيطريّين في العراق بعنوان

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mبمشاركة جزائرية قوية… انطلاق المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للملتقى المصري للدواجن

انطلق يوم أمس الاربعاء، بمدينة الغردقة المصرية، المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للملتقى المصري للدواجن، بحضور ممثل وزير الزراعة المصري ووفود عربية ودولية.
ويهدف الملتقى، الذي يعرف مشاركة العديد من المنتجين والخبراء، إلى جانب أساتذة جامعيين من معظم الدول العربية وعلى رأسها الجزائر، إضافة إلى خبراء دوليين، إلى النهوض بصناعة الدواجن في مصر والدول العربية.

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الدواجن والبيضقفزة في أسعار الدواجن في مصر

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