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View on youtubeDr Abdel Hakim, Head of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, had to leave the meeting due to an urgent call from the minister.
However, he was able to give a three-minute talk asking farmers, especially from large-scale farms, to help the government to complete the “Flu Free compartment” certification of the WHO (World Health Organization). This will allow Egypt to export its poultry meat. The procedures are already 90% completed and there are a few steps to complete them.

View on youtubeDr Mona Mehrez Aly opened the discussion with a 15 minute speech on the Biosecurity importance in Egypt. Dr Mehrez is the former Vice-Minister of Livestock, Fisheries, and Poultry Resources for Egypt. She is a world-renown leader in animal health, pathology, and food safety. Prior to her appointment, she served as Agriculture Minister-Counsellor and Head of Agriculture Office for the Embassy of Egypt in Washington DC and as Director of the Agricultural Research Center for Production in Egypt.

View on youtubeDr Sayed Shalash spoke 3 minutes on behalf of Dr Nabil Darwish, President of the Egyptian Poultry Association and explained the role of the modern bio security measures.

View on youtubeMr Tony Sleiman Freiji is an agro-industrial magnate and a leading player in the regional poultry, agriculture, logistics and allied industries. He is the Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Wadi Group (Egypt), and co-founder and board member of Inmaa (Sudan), and Tanmia (Lebanon). Businesses under his leadership encompass 22 companies and employ over 4000 people.
One can call Freiji a businessman or an industrialist, yet he proudly calls himself  “a simple farmer”, and continues to cherish both his upbringing and education at AUB's FAFS as the foundations for his success.
We devided his important speech of 22 minutes in 2 parts. Part 1 (11 minutes)

View on youtubeMr Tony Sleiman Freiji is an agro-industrial magnate and a leading player in the regional poultry, agriculture, logistics and allied industries. He is the Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Wadi Group (Egypt), and co-founder and board member of Inmaa (Sudan), and Tanmia (Lebanon). Businesses under his leadership encompass 22 companies and employ over 4000 people.
One can call Freiji a businessman or an industrialist, yet he proudly calls himself ''a simple farmer'', and continues to cherish both his upbringing and education at AUB's FAFS as the foundations for his success.
We divided his important speech of 22 minutes in 2 parts. Click on the image for Part 2 (11 minutes)

View on youtubeA seven-minute speech during which Mr Moussa Freiji, CEO and founder of Tanmia in Lebanon, asked the local authorities for help and assisstance with clear and applicable legislation and its legal enforcement.

View on youtubeDr Mona Mehrez, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture, commented on Mr Moussa Freiji speech underlining that the government pays attention to small family-owned farms as well as to large-scale farms and industries. As a matter of fact, the difficulties in bio security are faced by all market players in this sector of business.

tn atallahIn 2 minutes Prof Yahya Eid, Secretary of the WPSA – EGYPT and Professor in the University of Sharm El Sheikh, reminded the importance of the management insisting that students have to be taght and educated to become efficient farm managers.

tn atallahWith a comment as short as a minute Prof Emad Adeeb insisted on the necessity of introducing official courses on Bio Security at universities.

tn atallahIn his two-minute speech Dr Atallah Abouzeid, Tiba Poultry Company and Indian River breeders reproducers, commented on Mr Tony Freiji's presentation and cofirmed it is impossible to reach the numbers stated in Mr Freiji's presentation in case all breeding companies work concurrently.

tn seoudi2During a six-minute robust public talk Mr Khaled Seoudi, a renowned Hesbat Burma TV program anchorman and a poultry farmer, commented on Mr Moussa Freiji, Tanmia, Lebanon, and Dr Mehrez speeches. He insisted it is critical and essential  to give small farmers freedom to act and to profit, otherwise thousands of small farmers might be "suffocated" by big integrated poultry industries.

View on youtubeIt took 12 minutes to answer Mr Khaled Seoudi's comments. Mr Moussa Freiji, Tanmia, Lebanon, insisted on the necessity of the laws and regulations. Alongside with that Dr Mehrez called on the journalists to cooperate (especially Al Ahram Newspaper, present at the event) and help on consumers's awareness.

tn ragabDuring his two-minute comment Prof Mohammad Ragab Ghaneim, University of Alexandria, drew the audince's attention to the consumers' perspective. He underlined it is important that the mass media inform consumers why they have to refrain from buying live birds.

View on youtubeTowards the end of the VIV MEA 2020 Preview seminar about Biosecurity and its cost incidence on the farmers, Ing Sayegh underlined the farmers' vital role in economics and invited the public to participate in the First Poultry Marketing Round table that will be held in Abu Dhabi, during VIV MEA on the 10th of March at 14:00 (2:00 pm).

View on youtubeAt the end of the VIV MEA 2020 Preview seminar on Biosecurity, Ms Elena Geremia (VIV) introduced and invited the attendants to the 3rd edition of the VIV MEA that will be held in ABU DHABI between the 9th and 11th of March 2020.

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